Steps to Apply for the Student Ambassador
& Home Stay Exchange Program
First: Review the Programs Terms and Conditions
All on-time Student application documents, a letter of reference, and the application fee are due by October 30, 2024, before midnight.
Parents and students, please download and review each program overview. Note that parental approval is required for application and submission.
Student Ambassador Exchange Program Overview (.PDF document) (Application fee apply.)
Second: Mail the Application Fee and Program Signatures Together
Program Signature Documents: The Program of choice must be signed and dated by each party, including the Student, Sister Cities Representative, and Parent(s) or (Other) Guardian.
Submission Instructions:
Mail the Student Exchange Program Application fee, any other fees, and the Program Signatures document together to
Sister Cities of Franklin of Williamson County, P.O. 977, Franklin, TN. 37065
Payment Instructions:
Make checks payable to Sister Cities of Franklin of Williamson County and note the Program and Student Name on the check.
Third: Email the Student Application and Student Essay Together
Download and Complete the Student Application Submission:
Download, Complete, and Rename the file (Your First Name Your Last Name Student Ambassador Exchange Program Application)
Student Ambassador Exchange Program Application (.PDF Template)
Download and Complete the Student Essay:
Essay Instructions: Answer seven questions using complete sentences. Maximum of 350 words or less per question.
Name your file (Your First Name Your Last Name Essay Student Ambassador Exchange Program)
Student Ambassador Exchange Program Essay (Microsoft Word Template) or (.PDF Template)
Student Essay and Student Application Submission Instructions:
Attach both documents in an email and send them to
In the subject line, type in (Your Last Name Your First Name Student Ambassador Exchange Program Essay & Application)
Note: Students can mail each submission with any associated fee(s) and the Program Signature(s) document to Sister Cities of Franklin P.O. 977 Franklin TN 37065.
Fourth: Teacher or Community Leader Emails a Letter of Reference
A Teacher or Community Leader is to download and complete. and sign the Letter of Reference and specify the Student Program
Letter of Reference (Microsoft Word document that requires a signature)
Email the letter of reference to
Include the following in the Subject line: (Student First Name, Last) Letter of Reference: Student Ambassador Exchange Program
Notification of Acceptance
After a Committee review, home visits and interviews will be scheduled November 1 - 7. Applicants will be notified by Nov. 10th